
BDSM As a Psychotherapeutic Practice

When psychologists began to study real BDSM communities, a lot of interesting things turned out. According to a large Dutch study, people who practice BDSM are psychologically healthier than those around them. They are open to new experiences, less neurotic, and less prone to a range of mental disorders.

Some statistics

According to various estimates, from 2% to 65% of the population are prone to BDSM. The first number refers to participation in actual BDSM practices, while the second refers to sexual fantasies. Unlike paraphilias such as fetishism, BDSM is equally attractive to both women and men. Behind participation in BDSM, as a rule, does not hide the experience of childhood trauma and violence. BDSM practices do not interfere, and in some cases even help to establish close and trusting relationships between partners.

Possible scenarios of BDSM

BDSM sessions involve pre-thought-out images and actions. Even though sex is dominated by one specific partner, everyone who will be involved in the session itself should take part in developing the script. Only when each participant confirms their consent to all the described actions, the scenario is approved. Watch different scenarios for BDSM sessions on A few examples:

  • owner and his pet;
  • master and delinquent maid;
  • a sex doll that takes those poses into which the owner will lead her;
  • punishing a waiter for poor quality work;
  • a strict teacher and a depraved schoolgirl;
  • the criminal and the representative of the law who punishes him.

When developing a scenario, the sexual preferences of both partners, the time and place of the session, possible restrictions, and the availability of inventory are taken into account. The submissive must be sure that the dominant will not apply real violence to him. This is the basis of the BDSM relationship between the upper and lower partner.

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