
Concept of Marriage and Love

The best-selling concept about love and marriage is that they are synonyms. In reality, even-thought they outflow from the same motives and represent the same human feelings, they’re not even close in meaning, not permanent and come with no guarantees. Marriage and love have nothing in common; they are not just as far apart from each other as they can be; they are simply antonyms.

Majority of times, marriages are coming from love and have been the result of initial love. There is a big number of men and women to whom marriage is a performance, fun and convenience necessary for the sake of public opinion of friends and family. The other very common reason for marriage is inability to stay away from regular pattern and a society’s approved practice. At the same time, people have an illusion that the only way to maintain love is to escalate it to the level of marriage. In any case, while majority of marriages are based on real love, some are coming from convenience and other reasons, love continues and stay alive not because of marriage institution but rather regardless of it.

We all know that love has an ability to leave, and it has a unique power to appear. Is it possible that love materializes as the result of marriage? On a first look, it appears as a miraculous case when married couple falls in love after marriage happened, but on a close scrutiny it could be just an acceptance of the situation. So, what is the real cause? On one hand, getting used to each other and being intimate could trigger a closer look at each other and result in positive outlook to both the woman and the man. On the other hand, miracles do happen…

Let’s look at a marriage institution from a financial point of view. Marriage is basically an economic provision, a financial insurance agreement between two parties. When you purchase insurance, you acknowledge that you will need it in case of emergency. When you get married, you have a full understanding that you are bind-ed through the term of marriage. Very often, parties pay their premium by privacy, respect, intimacy, desire, and excitement in life-long term “until death doth part.”
Both, a man and a woman have to accept the limitations of married life by admitting that positive comes with limitations of freedom paid by insurance premium of economic sense.

As feminist Emma Goldman said in 1917, “Dante’s motto over Inferno applies with equal force to marriage: “Ye who enter here leave all hope behind.”” is the Premiere Discreet Married Dating site that gives married people a chance to connect with like-minded individuals, communicate, and meet.

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